Power BI and Power Platform


Power BI can be used with the other components of Microsoft Power Platform.

Power BI content can be:

  • Consumed in PowerBI.com.

  • Consumed from Power BI mobile and Power BI data alerts.

  • Embedded in Power Apps and Microsoft Teams.

To embed Power BI in a model-driven app, an administrator must first enable Power BI visualization embedding for the environment. You can add an entire Power BI dashboard to a model-driven app, or you can add a tile from a Power BI dashboard to a Dataverse dashboard. To add a Power BI dashboard or tile, the maker selects the workspace, dashboard, and tile.

The Power BI dashboard that is used must be shared with the users of the model-driven app. If the Power BI dashboard isn't shared, the user sees errors, as shown in the following screenshot.

Screenshot of Power BI tiles in a Dataverse dashboard.


Power BI dashboards and tiles can be added to system dashboards and user dashboards.

To embed a Power BI tile in a canvas app, the maker adds the Power BI control to the screen and then select the workspace, dashboard, and tile, as shown in the following screenshot.

Screenshot of Power BI tiles added to a canvas app.

The Power BI dashboard that the tile is from must be shared with the users of the canvas app. If the Power BI dashboard isn't shared, users see an error.

We don't recommend that you load more than three Power BI tiles at the same time within an app. The LoadPowerBIContent property controls the loading of Power BI content. When this property is set to true, the Power BI content is loaded and shown. When the property is set to false, the Power BI content is unloaded, which releases memory and optimizes performance.

It's possible to pass a parameter of type string to the Power BI tile from the canvas app by modifying the TileURL property and appending.

&$filter=<TableName>/<ColumnName> eq '<Value>'

This action allows you to filter the tile by a value in the canvas app.

A canvas app can be embedded within a Power BI report. The canvas app can interact with the other visuals in the report. A Power Apps visual can be added to the report. The canvas app uses the PowerBIIntegration object to integrate the canvas app with Power BI.

Screenshot of canvas app embedded in Power BI.

Alerts and Power Automate

Power BI alerts can trigger Power Automate cloud flows. Power BI alerts are rules that trigger an alert when a value exceeds a threshold value. You must first create the Power BI alert, and then link a Power Automate cloud flow to the Power BI alert.

Screenshot of Power BI alert flow template.

Power Automate visual

The Power Automate visual allows a report author to add a button to a Power BI report that can trigger a Power Automate cloud flow.