Filter events


When creating an event subscription, you have three options for filtering:

  • Event types
  • Subject begins with or ends with
  • Advanced fields and operators

Event type filtering

By default, all event types for the event source are sent to the endpoint. You can decide to send only certain event types to your endpoint. For example, you can get notified of updates to your resources, but not notified for other operations like deletions. In that case, filter by the Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess event type. Provide an array with the event types, or specify All to get all event types for the event source.

The JSON syntax for filtering by event type is:

"filter": {
  "includedEventTypes": [

Subject filtering

For simple filtering by subject, specify a starting or ending value for the subject. For example, you can specify the subject ends with .txt to only get events related to uploading a text file to storage account. Or, you can filter the subject begins with /blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer to get all events for that container but not other containers in the storage account.

The JSON syntax for filtering by subject is:

"filter": {
  "subjectBeginsWith": "/blobServices/default/containers/mycontainer/log",
  "subjectEndsWith": ".jpg"

Advanced filtering

To filter by values in the data fields and specify the comparison operator, use the advanced filtering option. In advanced filtering, you specify the:

  • operator type - The type of comparison.
  • key - The field in the event data that you're using for filtering. It can be a number, boolean, or string.
  • value or values - The value or values to compare to the key.

The JSON syntax for using advanced filters is:

"filter": {
  "advancedFilters": [
      "operatorType": "NumberGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "key": "Data.Key1",
      "value": 5
      "operatorType": "StringContains",
      "key": "Subject",
      "values": ["container1", "container2"]