Clean up


After completing the project, you might wish to clean up your development environment or return it to its typical state. You might also wish to delete your resource group.

Clean up development container

You can stop your development container environment to free up resources whether they are on your local machine or on GitHub. Deleting the GitHub Codespaces environment ensures that you can maximize the amount of free core hours entitlement you get for your account.


For more information about your GitHub account's entitlements, see GitHub Codespaces monthly included storage and core hours.

  1. Sign into the GitHub Codespaces dashboard (

  2. Locate your currently running Codespaces sourced from the azure-samples/cosmosdb-chatgpt GitHub repository.

    Screenshot of all the running Codespaces including their status and templates.

  3. Open the context menu for the codespace and then select Delete.

    Screenshot of the context menu for a single codespace with the delete option highlighted.

Clean up resource group

When you no longer need the resources from this project, delete the corresponding resource group.

  1. Create a shell variable for `resourceGroupName`` if it doesn't already exist.

  2. Use az group delete to delete the resource group.

    az group delete \
        --name $resourceGroupName