Use the join operator


The join operator merges the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching the specified columns' values from each table.


LeftTable | join [JoinParameters] ( RightTable ) on Attributes

| where EventID == "4624" 
| summarize LogOnCount=count() by EventID, Account 
| project LogOnCount, Account 
| join kind = inner (
     | where EventID == "4634" 
     | summarize LogOffCount=count() by EventID, Account 
     | project LogOffCount, Account 
) on Account

The first table specified in the join is considered the Left table. The table after the join keyword is the right table. The columns from the tables are designated, the $left.Column and the $right.Column to distinguish which tables columns you're referencing.

When joining tables, you use Join flavors to determine the joining behavior. It's essential to understand the impact of records on the left and right side based on the join flavor. The graphic below shows which records will be kept if there's or isn't a matching record in the other dataset. The inner join will only show records from the left side if there's a matching record on the right side. The right side will also require a left side record.

Diagram of Example join types, showing where how joins work.

Join Flavor Output Records
kind=leftanti, kind=leftantisemi Returns all the records from the left side that don't have matches from the right
kind=rightanti, kind=rightantisemi Returns all the records from the right side that don't have matches from the left.
kind unspecified, kind=innerunique Only one row from the left side is matched for each value of the on key. The output contains a row for each match of this row with rows from the right
kind=leftsemi Returns all the records from the left side that have matches from the right.
kind=rightsemi Returns all the records from the right side that have matches from the left.
kind=inner Contains a row in the output for every combination of matching rows from left and right.
kind=leftouter (or kind=rightouter or kind=fullouter) Contains a row for every row on the left and right, even if it has no match. The unmatched output cells contain nulls.