Experience Python coding in a Minecraft lesson


In the computer science (CS) progression, all content has a standardized format and provides a consistent experience for educators. Educators are able to leverage the materials and resources to support student learning with any of the CS content.

All computer science content has:

  • Curriculum overview: This document provides insight about the curriculum and what is taught in the curriculum.
  • Educator’s guides (EDU guides): An educator’s guide is provided for each lesson. The guide provides a high-level overview of the lesson, learning goals, standards addressed, required preparation for the activities, the lesson plans for the activities, any additional materials needed, and the formative assessments that correspond with the lesson.
  • Classroom presentations: Each lesson (except for the summative task) is supported by its own PowerPoint presentation to provide structure and guide educators through the activities for the lesson.
  • Formative assessments: After each lesson in the EDU guide, there's an opportunity to check for student understanding of the concept taught in the lesson. These formative assessments are typically comprised of 2-4 questions directly related to the learning that just took place.
  • Summative assessment: At the end of the entire lesson sequence, students are provided a performance-based task to demonstrate their new knowledge and skills learned throughout the computer science unit, Computing with Minecraft. This performance-based task can be assessed using the provided rubric.

These materials can be accessed from the Minecraft Education website. Familiarize yourself with these Python Islands resources before starting the lesson experience.

This video provides you with an overview of Python Islands 1-3.


Using the Python Islands resources, you're going to experience Python coding in Python Island 1 with Azure Notebooks. The Python Island 1 objectives are:

  • Learn and understand the Azure Notebooks interface
  • Apply the coding concept of with variables within Python and their basic uses
  • Utilize the say() command and its purpose for outputting information
  • Reinforce the concept sequencing (putting things in order so the Agent can complete its tasks)

To load the Python Island lesson, select it from within the Python section of the computer science subject kit.

  1. Select Play
  2. Select View Library
  3. Select Subject Kits
  4. Select Computer Science
  5. Select Python
  6. Select Python Islands
  7. Select Island 1

Screenshot of the Minecraft Education of sign-in page.

We start at the landing spot for Island 1, where a great bird has dropped us off! From here, we meet a welcoming villager, who tells us to speak with the two researchers on the island. The first researcher, Pete, explains how to use the say() command in Python programs to output a message. The second researcher, Tom explains how variables are used within Python to store data being used.

Screenshot of a Minecraft N P C in Python Island 1.

After speaking with the researchers, there isn't clear guidance of what to do next. You can start exploring and speaking with the different characters on the island. If you speak with the Farmhand, he informs you that we need to get an agent certification to visit the farm. The agent certification character is found beside the lake. You're presented with a simple moving task for the Agent, where we must use agent.move() to move the agent onto two pressure pads one after the other. On completion of this code, you receive a certificate, which is taken to the Farmhand. The game particles lead you to the forest bridge builder. He informs you that he's hungry for a sandwich, which he needs in order to finish the bridge. You need to check in with the farmer.

Screenshot of the Agent license coding task in Python Island 1.

Speak to the Farmhand, who verifies that we've completed the agent certification. Then proceed to the farm. On arrival, speak with the Farmer. The Farmer asks you to till three blocks using agent.till() and then use the provided three seeds to plant three pieces of wheat on these newly tilled blocks using agent.place(). On completion, the farmer gives you the sandwich, which you take to the forest bridge builder.

Screenshot of the bridge builder N P C in Python Island 1.

Remaining Python Islands

Although we aren't going to be playing through these Python Islands, you can check out this video to get a preview of the remaining islands.


  • How is the experience in Python Islands different than the other Python content in Minecraft?
  • Are there opportunities to use Python Islands in your existing curriculum?
  • If you don't have an existing computer science curriculum, how will you use Python Islands and the other Python content?
  • What other resources do you anticipate needing?