Navigate Python with Azure Notebooks


There are two types of Python coding within the Minecraft Education computer science progression: MakeCode Python and Python with Azure Notebooks.

One of the main reasons both MakeCode Python and Python with Azure Notebooks are introduced is because MakeCode Python eventually becomes obsolete as the Python code becomes more complex. Certain concepts and even types of code are too sophisticated to run in MakeCode Python. Therefore, it's time to level up and start using Python with Azure Notebooks! This version of Python is the traditional "version" that is comparable to Python used in industry. Azure Notebooks is a notebook-style code editor that utilizes Python to code in Minecraft.

Screenshot of the interface for Python with Azure Notebook.

When in Python notebooks, you'll see these components to help you code:

  • Coding activity explains what students are supposed to do, similar to the coding tasks in MakeCode Python.
  • Main is your coding workspace in notebooks and keeps track of your lines of code. Type directly in this space to begin creating your Python code.
  • Run button runs your code. Test to see if your code performs as intended. This button is equivalent to the green play button in MakeCode Python.
  • Reset Code button deletes your code in the workspace.
  • Reset Activity button resets the Agent back to the beginning position but keeps your Python code.