Run CodeQL in a database


Now that you've extracted your code to a database, you can analyze it using CodeQL queries. GitHub experts, security researchers, and community contributors write and maintain the default CodeQL queries. You can also write your own queries.

You can use CodeQL queries in code scanning analysis to find problems in your source code and to find potential security vulnerabilities. You can also write custom queries to identify problems for each language that you use in your source code.

There are two important types of queries:

  • Alert queries highlight issues in specific locations of your code.
  • Path queries describe the flow of information between a source and a sink in your code.

Write a CodeQL query

The basic CodeQL query structure has the file extension .ql and contains a select clause.

Here's an example query structure:

 * Query metadata
import /* ... CodeQL libraries or modules ... */
/* ... Optional, define CodeQL classes and predicates ... */
from /* ... variable declarations ... /
where / ... logical formula ... /
select / ... expressions ... */

Query metadata

Using CodeQL with code scanning converts results in a way that highlights the potential issue that the queries are designed to find. Queries contain metadata properties that indicate how the results should be interpreted. Use query metadata to identify your custom queries when you add them to your GitHub repository. The metadata provides information about the query's purpose. The metadata also specifies how to interpret and display the query results.

Other queries display a series of locations that represent steps along a data-flow or control-flow. Queries also include a message explaining the significance of the result.

Queries that don't have metadata aren't interpreted. Those results are output as a table and not displayed in the source code.

This is an example of metadata for one of the standard Java queries:

Screenshot showing metadata example for standard Java query.

QL syntax

Queries are written using QL. The QL basic syntax is similar to SQL.

QL is a programming language made up of logical formulas. Common logical connectives such as and, or, and not are used. Quantifiers such as forall and exists are also used. QL also uses important logical concepts such as predicates. Furthermore, you can write complex recursive queries, because QL supports recursion and aggregates. You can also write complex recursive queries using simple QL syntax and aggregates like count, sum, and average.

Path queries

Create path queries to visualize the flow of information through a codebase. Use path queries to track the path taken by data from its possible starting points (source) to its possible end points (sink). To model paths, your query must provide information about the source and the sink, as well as the data flow steps that link them.

The easiest way to start writing your own path query is to use one of the existing queries as a template.

Your path query requires certain metadata, query predicates, and select statement structures. Many of the built-in path queries included in CodeQL follow a simple structure. Those structures depend on how CodeQL models the language you're analyzing.

The following example shows a path query template:

 * ...
 * @kind path-problem
 * ...
import <language>
// For some languages (Java/C++/Python) you need to explicitly import the data flow library, such as
// import
import DataFlow::PathGraph

from MyConfiguration config, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where config.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "<message>"


  • DataFlow::Pathgraph is the path graph module you need to import from the standard CodeQL library.
  • source and sink are nodes on the path graph, and DataFlow::PathNode is their type.
  • MyConfiguration is a class containing the predicates that define how data might flow between the source and the sink.

The following sections describe the main requirements for a valid path query.

How to write a path query

Your query needs to compute a path graph in order to generate path explanations. To do so, define a query predicate called edges. A query predicate is a non-member predicate with a query annotation. The query annotation returns all the tuples that the predicate evaluates. The edges predicate defines the edge relations of the graph that you're computing. It's used to compute the paths related to each result that your query generates. You can also import a predefined edges predicate from a path graph module in one of the standard data flow libraries. The data flow libraries contain the other classes, predicates, and modules that are commonly used in data flow analysis in addition to the path graph module. The CodeQL data flow libraries function by modeling its data flow graph or implementing data flow analysis. Normal data flow libraries are used to analyze the information flow in which data values are preserved at each step.

Here's the example statement that imports the pathgraph module from the data flow library (DataFlow.qll), in which edges is defined:

import DataFlow::PathGraph

You can import many additional libraries included with CodeQL. You can also import libraries specifically designed to implement data flow analysis in various common frameworks and environments.

The class PathNode is an example that is specifically designed to implement data flow analysis. It's a Node augmented with a call context (except for sinks), an access path, and a configuration. Only those PathNodes that are reachable from a source are generated.

Here's an example of the import path:


You can optionally define a nodes query predicate, which specifies the nodes of the path graph for all languages. When you define nodes, only edges with endpoints are defined by the nodes selected. When you don't define nodes, you need to select all possible endpoints of edges.

Analyze your database

You receive meaningful results in the context of the source code when you use queries to analyze a CodeQL database. The results are styled as alerts or paths in Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) or another interpreted format.

Here's an example of a CodeQL database command. This command combines the effect of the codeql database run-queries and codeql database interpret-results commands.

codeql database analyze --format=<format> ---output=<output> [--threads=<num>] [--ram=<MB>] <options>... -- <database> <query|dir|suite>...

Alternatively, you can run queries that don't meet the requirements for being interpreted as source-code alerts. To do so, use codeql-database run-queries or codeql query run, then use codeql bqrs decode to convert the raw results to a readable notation.

Use a SARIF file with categories

CodeQL supports SARIF for sharing static analysis results. SARIF is designed to represent the output of a broad range of static analysis tools. You need to specify a category when using SARIF output for CodeQL analysis. Categories can distinguish multiple analyses performed on the same commit repository and on different languages or different parts of the code. However, SARIF files with the same category overwrite each other.

Each SARIF output file can be scanned with CodeQL to analyze different languages within the same code when the values are consistent between the analysis runs.

Here's one example. This value appears (with a trailing slash appended if not already present) as the <run>.automationId property in SARIF v1, the <run>.automationLogicalId property in SARIF v2, and the <run> property in SARIF v2.1.0.

Posting the SARIF results to GitHub

Once the database is ready, you can query it interactively, or run a suite of queries to generate a set of results in SARIF format and upload the results to GitHub. This example uploads a SARIF file to GitHub code scanning.

codeql github upload-results --sarif=<file> [--github-auth-stdin] [--github-url=<url>] [--repository=<repository-name>] [--ref=<ref>] [--commit=<commit>] [--checkout-path=<path>] <options>...

To upload results to GitHub, each continuous integration (CI) server needs a GitHub App or personal access token for the CodeQL CLI to use. You must use an access token or a GitHub App with the security_events write permission. You could potentially allow the CodeQL CLI to use the same token if CI servers already use a token with this scope to check out repositories from GitHub. Otherwise, create a new token with the security_events write permission and add this to the CI system's secret store. Best practice for security is to set the --github-auth-stdin flag and pass the token to the command through the standard input.

Upload non-Microsoft SARIF results

For code scanning to display results from a static analysis tool in your GitHub repository, your results must be stored in a SARIF file that supports a specific subset of the SARIF 2.1.0 JSON schema. Alternatively, your results display in your repository on GitHub automatically if you use the default CodeQL static analysis engine. Fingerprint data is included in SARIF files created by the CodeQL analysis workflow or using the CodeQL runner.

SARIF specifications use the JSON property name, partialFingerprints. A dictionary from named fingerprint types to the fingerprint. This contains, at a minimum, a value for the primaryLocationLineHash, which provides a fingerprint based on the context of the primary location.

GitHub attempts to populate the partialFingerprints field from the source files if you upload a SARIF file using the upload-sarif action and this data is missing. Additionally, users might see duplicate alerts when code scanning alerts are processed and displayed, if you upload a SARIF file without fingerprint data using the /code-scanning/sarifs API endpoint.

To avoid seeing duplicate alerts, you should calculate fingerprint data and populate the partialFingerprints property before you upload the SARIF file. A helpful starting point is to use the same script as the upload-sarif action.