Use connectors in plug-in logic

Completed 100 XP

In addition to implementing your plug-in logic by using Power Fx, you can also call Microsoft Power Platform connector operations. With this feature, you can expand your ability to integrate the connector logic as an extension to your plug-in logic. You can use public and custom connectors from your plug-in.

You might use this capability in scenarios where you want to:

  • Create an automated plug-in that uses a connector to augment data on a created row.

  • Create an automated plug-in that uses a connector to validate data on a row that someone is creating or updating.

  • Use a custom API for an internal system by creating a custom connector and calling it from a plug-in.

  • Create an instant plug-in that simplifies calling a connector that has more complex input/output parameters.

  • Create a plug-in that uses multiple connectors that integrate across multiple systems.

Use connectors in your logic

Before using a connector in your Power Fx logic, you need to create a connection reference within your environment. You should include this connection reference in the same Dataverse solution that you use to track your plug-in. You can create the connection reference before creating your plug-in, or you can make it part of creating the plug-in. When creating a new plug-in in the Dataverse Accelerator application, you can find the available connectors and create a new connection reference by selecting the connector icon in the upper-right corner.

Screenshot showing the connection references button.

If you create the connection reference while creating a plug-in, your first task is to select a solution in the advanced properties section. This approach ensures that your connection reference picks up your solution prefix, not a default prefix. You use the solution prefix and the connection reference name to reference the connector from your Power Fx logic.

For example, if your solution prefix is contoso and your connection reference is named BingMaps, and if you want to use the Get location by address action, the following logic is what your Power Fx logic uses:


To get that expression, copy it from the connector panel by selecting an available connector and then selecting copy on one of the supported actions that are listed. Additionally, you can begin typing your connection reference prefix, such as contoso, and IntelliSense helps you locate the available actions as you type part of the connection and action names.

You can use many different connectors with low-code plug-ins, including custom connectors. However, not all are currently supported. You should also avoid using the Dataverse connector to work with Dataverse data. To complete Dataverse operations, you should use the Power Fx logic to work directly with the data.

When low-code plug-ins interact with connectors and data loss prevention (DLP) policies are in effect, the policy can block the creation of connections.

Exercise - Build an instant low-code plug-in

In the following exercise, you'll build an instant low-code plug-in that uses the MSN Weather connector.

  1. Go to Power Apps maker portal.

  2. Select the correct environment and then select Apps.

  3. Select All and then launch Dataverse Accelerator App.

    Screenshot showing Dataverse Accelerator App.

  4. Select the Create instant plug-in card.

  5. Enter Get Weather for the Display name, and then select + New input parameter.

  6. Enter City for Label and then select String for Data type.

  7. Select + New input parameter again.

  8. Enter Units for Label and then select String for Data type.

  9. Select + New out parameter.

  10. Enter Forecast for Label and then select String for Data type.

  11. You should now have two input parameters and one output parameter. Expand the Advanced options section.

    Screenshot showing the Advanced options section.

  12. Select LearnLowCodePlugins for the Solution.

  13. Select the Connection references button located on the upper right of the screen.

    Screenshot of the connection references button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

  14. Select Create a connection reference.

  15. Enter MSN Weather for the Display name, select MSN Weather for Connector, and then select + New connection.

    Screenshot showing the add New connection button.

  16. Select Create.

  17. Close the connections browser window or tab.

  18. Select the Refresh connection button.

  19. Select the connection that you created and then select Create.

  20. The MSN weather connection reference displays. Select the MSN Weather connector.

    Screenshot showing the M S N weather connector.

  21. The actions of the MSN Weather connector should display. Select the Get forecast for today action and then select Copy.

    Screenshot showing the Get forecast for today action and the Copy button.

  22. Go to the Expression text box and paste what you copied. This expression shows you how to use the Get forecast for today action. You can remove the action from the expression.

  23. Paste the following expression in the Expression field.

    {Forecast:contoso_MSNWeather.TodaysForecast(City, Units)}

  24. Select Save and then wait for the plug-in to save.

    Screenshot showing the complete plug-in.

  25. Select Test.

  26. Enter Redmond for the City, enter Metric for Units, and then select Run.

The test should run successfully, and a summary of today's forecast should display.

Screenshot showing the successful test run.

Next unit: Use instant plug-ins from Power Apps

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