Knowledge check


Your company is going to implement Azure Policy to manage governance across multiple Azure subscriptions. You're exploring how to use Azure policies, initiatives, and definitions for the different departments. You're researching how management groups can support your business scenarios.

The finance team requests resources and billing to be categorized by department, such as Marketing, Research, and Human Resources. They'd like billing consolidated across multiple resource groups to ensure all users comply with the solution.

Answer the following questions

Choose the best response for each of the questions below. Then select Check your answers.


There are several Azure policies that need to be applied to a new branch office. What's the best approach?


To satisfy the finance team's request for billing by department, multiple resource groups have been created and the resource tags applied. What's the next step?


How can you ensure that only cost-effective virtual machine SKU sizes are deployed?


Which option can you use to manage governance across multiple Azure subscriptions?