Exercise - Create automated plug-ins


In this exercise, you build an automated plug-in to ensure that the specified credit limit value for a contact doesn't cause their debt-to-income ratio to exceed 40%. You also check that the income and debt amounts are available if the credit limit is specified. If problems occur, then the user should receive notification with an error that indicates the problem.


Use a test environment with Microsoft Dataverse provisioned and with sample apps, including the Dataverse Accelerator App. If you don't have one, you can sign up for the Power Apps Developer Plan.

Create automated plug-in

In this first task, you create an automated plug-in by following these steps:

  1. Go to Power Apps maker portal.

  2. Select the correct environment and then select Apps.

  3. Select the All tab, select Dataverse Accelerator App, and then select the Play button.

    Screenshot showing the play app button.

  4. Select Create automated plug-in.

    Screenshot showing the Create automated plug-in card.

  5. Enter Validate Contact Credit Limit to Debt Ratio for the Display name, select Contact for Table, select Updated, and then expand the Advanced options section. Use the image below as a reference for steps 5 - 8.

    Screenshot showing the plug-in configuration for steps 5-8.

  6. Select Pre-operation for when the plug-in should run, and then select the Learn Low Code Plugins solution that you created.

  7. Paste the following expression in the Expression field. This expression makes the annual income, housing debt, and other debts required if credit limit is provided.

    If(!IsBlank(ThisRecord.'Credit Limit') && (IsBlank(ThisRecord.'Annual Income') Or IsBlank(ThisRecord.'Housing Debt') Or IsBlank(ThisRecord.'Other Debt')), Error({ Kind: ErrorKind.Validation , Message: "Annual income, housing debt, and other debts are required." }));
  8. Paste the following expression after the previous expression. This expression shows an error if all debts plus the credit limit increase the debt to ratio over 40%.

    If((ThisRecord.'Housing Debt' + ThisRecord.'Other Debt' + ThisRecord.'Credit Limit') > (ThisRecord.'Annual Income' * .4), Error("Credit limit will make the debt to ratio over 40%, please decrease the credit limit."));


    If you encounter errors on the expressions, first check that the casing in the formulas matches the casing that you had when creating the new columns.

  9. Select Save and then wait for the plug-in to save.

Test the plug-in

For this task, use the Fundraiser application that comes as a sample app to test your plug-in.

  1. Go to Power Apps maker portal.

  2. Select the correct environment and then select Apps.

  3. Launch the Fundraiser application.

  4. Select Donations and then open the Yvonne McKay (sample) donation record.

  5. Open the Yvonne McKay (sample) contact record.

    Screenshot showing the contact lookup.

  6. The contact form should open. Change the Business Phone to 555-0201 and then select Save.

    The contact should save without an error. If you don't provide a credit limit, you're not required to provide income or debt values.

  7. Select the Details tab.

  8. Enter 10000 for the Credit Limit and then select Save.

  9. You should see an error that shows the annual income, housing debt, and other debt requirement. Select OK.

    Screenshot showing the debt and income requirement error.

  10. Enter 120000 for Annual income and then select Save.

    The same error should occur again because housing debt and other debt are also required.

  11. Enter 20000 for Housing debt, enter 20000 for Other debt, and then select Save.

  12. You should see the debt-to-income ratio error because the sum of all debts and the credit limit makes the debt-to-income ratio over 40%. Select OK.

    Screenshot showing the debt-to-income ratio error.

  13. Change the Credit Limit to 8000 and then select Save.

    Your changes should now save without error.

  14. Change the Credit Limit to 8001 and then select Save.

    The debt-to-income ratio should display again.

  15. Change the Credit Limit to 8000 again and then select Save.

Your changes should now save without error.