Initialize seed data in Commerce


A set of default configuration data is required for all implementations as a starting point. Rather than re-create this data manually, you can initiate the seed data in Retail and Commerce > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Commerce parameters > General. When the Initialize button is selected, Commerce runs a script that populates and replaces any existing data that might be configured in a set of tables.

This process is typically run at the beginning of an implementation but can also be run when updates are applied. Using this feature after data has been changed and configured for an implementation should be done with caution because you could risk changing implementation-specific data that is configured.

Screenshot of Dynamics 365 Commerce parameters page.

Initialization creates the following default configuration data:

  • Commerce scheduler jobs and sub jobs
  • Commerce channel schema
  • Commerce distribution schedules
  • Default screen layouts that include button grids, images, and themes
  • Time zone information
  • Store Commerce operations
  • Store Commerce permissions
  • Channel reports
  • Attribute metadata
  • Entity validation templates
  • Batch job to purge Commerce Data Exchange session history
  • Enabling of Payment card industry (PCI) logging

Before you run the Initialize process, the language and postal address data must be set up for the legal entity because the data that is being configured relies on those variables for correct data configuration.