Stay connected with conversations


The Posts tab in Teams is the hub for communication among team. Teams automatically creates a Post tab in the general channel as well as any additional channels created. All members of the team may view and add to conversations in the general channel. Conversations are visible to everyone in a channel and are not private. However, @mentioning any member of the team draws their attention to a comment and makes sure they notice it.

To post a message, select the Posts tab from any channel. Select New Conversation to begin a new discussion topic or reply to any previous conversation by selecting the Reply icon and adding the responses within that thread.

Use the Posts tab to share news about the class or team. Post articles or link resources. Engage members of the team in relevant discussions. Be available to answer questions. Add an embed code to embed another application right within the conversation. Use this area to give praise and encouragement. Or just use the space to share team photos.

There are many options within the Posts tab. Format the text, add emojis, GIFs, or stickers, attach various types of documents and files, and even begin a live meeting with just a couple of steps!

Pro tip: Once there are other channels for content, consider going back to the general channel and changing the settings so only team owners can post messages in the general channel. This way, announcements don't get lost in conversations.