Exercise - add groups in Microsoft Entra ID


Create a Microsoft 365 group in Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Browse to the Microsoft Entra admin center - Identity page in the Microsoft Entra admin center.

  2. In the left navigation, under select Groups.

  3. In the Groups blade, on the menu, select New group.

  4. Create a group using the following information:

    Setting Value
    Group type Microsoft 365
    Group name Northwest Sales
    Membership type Assigned
    Owners Assign your own administrator account as the group owner
    Members Assign a member of this group

    Screenshot of the New Group page with Group type, Group name, Owners, and Members highlighted. When you create a new group you have to set these values.

  5. When complete, verify the group named Northwest sales is shown in the All groups list.

  6. You have to refresh the All groups a couple of times for the new group to show up.