Connect to Dynamics 365 Customer Voice data with Power BI


With Microsoft Power BI Desktop installed, it's possible to connect to all kinds of data sources. The options are continually expanded by the Microsoft Power BI team.

The following categories are available, with a wide variety of data connections within each category:

  • File

  • Database

  • Microsoft Power Platform

  • Microsoft Entra ID

  • Online services

  • Other

To begin, you will be prompted to sign in. Use a Microsoft 365 username and password, assuming that you have a Power BI license.

Sign in screen for Power BI Desktop app with Try free and Sign in buttons.

After you have signed in, select the Get data button, which will prompt you to select one of the data categories. Microsoft Power Platform category will be used when you are connecting to Dynamics 365 Customer Voice data. Four options are provided: Power BI datasets, Power BI dataflows, Microsoft Dataverse, and Microsoft Power Platform dataflows. Because Dynamics 365 Customer Voice data is stored in Dataverse, you should select this option. When this option is selected, prompts will appear for you to sign in to the Dataverse environment that you want.

Get Data dialog with Microsoft Power Platform selected, then Dataverse.

When you are connected to the environment, the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice tables can be selected. Tables that are prefaced with msfp are part of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, so all the tables can be checked from the list. Two other tables need to be selected as well: the activityparty table and the Contact table. After you have made the selection, the data will be loaded.

Navigate and map data in the Navigator tab by selecting tables.

The links between the tables should be verified in the data model. Some links might be automatically verified for the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice tables. However, these links will need to be reviewed and added for the activityparty and Contact tables. The following table shows which tables should be linked and through which columns.

Link From table Link From column Link To table Link To column
msfp_survey msfp_surveyid msfp_question msfp_survey
msfp_survey msfp_surveyid msfp_surveyinvite msfp_surveyid
msfp_survey msfp_surveyid msfp_surveyresponse msfp_surveyid
msfp_surveyinvite activityid activityparty activityid
activityparty partyid contact contactid
msfp_surveyinvite activityid msfp_surveyresponse msfp_surveyinviteid
msfp_surveyresponse activityid msfp_questionresponse msfp_surveyresponseid
msfp_question msfp_questionid msfp_questionresponse msfp_questionid

Data model showing links between the tables.