Check your knowledge


Answer the following questions to see what you've learned.


A report writer has been asked to create a Power BI report by using records from an instance of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. After downloading and installing Power BI Desktop, they need to get the correct data. Which data connection category should they start with?


A report writer is working on a custom report in Power BI Desktop. They want to know the number of survey invitations that have been sent and where the survey has been started but not yet submitted. Which method would provide the report writer with the accurate result?


The Customer Experience manager wants to analyze survey feedback and to review and filter data by using the Net Promoter Score feedback. The data on a Survey Response record in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice is stored as a number rather than showing the type of response given. What is the simplest way to display if a customer is considered Promoter, Passive, or Detractor based on the response that they gave?


The data for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice is made up of a series of tables that are stored in Dataverse. These tables can be linked together through specific columns, and report writers can then create reports in Power BI to share with their organization, providing a mechanism to analyze and filter the data as needed. Which of the following options are Dynamics 365 Customer Voice tables?