Add a custom skill to a skillset


To integrate a custom skill into your indexing solution, you must add a skill for it to a skillset using the Custom.WebApiSkill skill type.

The skill definition must:

  • Specify the URI to your web API endpoint, including parameters and headers if necessary.
  • Set the context to specify at which point in the document hierarchy the skill should be called
  • Assign input values, usually from existing document fields
  • Store output in a new field, optionally specifying a target field name (otherwise the output name is used)
    "skills": [
        "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Custom.WebApiSkill",
        "description": "<custom skill description>",
        "uri": "https://<web_api_endpoint>?<params>",
        "httpHeaders": {
            "<header_name>": "<header_value>"
        "context": "/document/<where_to_apply_skill>",
        "inputs": [
            "name": "<input1_name>",
            "source": "/document/<path_to_input_field>"
        "outputs": [
            "name": "<output1_name>",
            "targetName": "<optional_field_name>"