Define a knowledge store


To define the knowledge store and the projections you want to create in it, you must create a knowledgeStore object in the skillset that specifies the Azure Storage connection string for the storage account where you want to create projections, and the definitions of the projections themselves.

You can define object projections, table projections, and file projections depending on what you want to store; however note that you must define a separate projection for each type of projection, even though each projection contains lists for tables, objects, and files. Projection types are mutually exclusive in a projection definition, so only one of the projection type lists can be populated. If you create all three kinds of projection, you must include a projection for each type; as shown here:

"knowledgeStore": { 
      "storageConnectionString": "<storage_connection_string>", 
      "projections": [
            "objects": [
                "storageContainer": "<container>",
                "source": "/projection"
            "tables": [],
            "files": []
            "objects": [],
            "tables": [
                "tableName": "KeyPhrases",
                "generatedKeyName": "keyphrase_id",
                "source": "projection/key_phrases/*",
                "tableName": "docs",
                "generatedKeyName": "document_id", 
                "source": "/projection" 
            "files": []
            "objects": [],
            "tables": [],
            "files": [
                "storageContainer": "<container>",
                "source": "/document/normalized_images/*"

For object and file projections, the specified container will be created if it does not already exist. An Azure Storage table will be created for each table projection, with the mapped fields and a unique key field with the name specified in the generatedKeyName property. These key fields can be used to define relational joins between the tables for analysis and reporting.