Enable attachments within a table

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You might want to allow users to upload files and save them with a row in a table. Dataverse tables allow users to add an attachment by turning on the attachment property that is associated with that table. If you want to let users upload one or more files into a row within a table, use the following procedure.


Attachments will be enabled if you are working with a standard table.

  1. In your browser, go to https://make.powerapps.com, From the left navigation menu, select Tables. If you don't see the Tables on the left, you can select More and then in the flyout menu find and select Tables.

  2. Select any table and then in the Table Properties section, select Properties.

  3. In the Edit table properties pane, select the Enable attachments (including notes and files) check box.

    Screenshot of Edit table attributes with Done button.

  4. Select Save.


You cannot undo the addition of attachments to a table.

Next unit: Licensing requirements for each table type

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