Restrictions that apply to columns in a table


When using Microsoft Dataverse for your business solutions, you should keep a few restrictions in mind.

Maximum number of columns in a table:

  • There's no hard upper limit on the number of columns that you can have in a table. But there's an upper boundary due to limits in how much data you can store in a single record. It's difficult to provide a specific number because each type of column can use a different amount of space. The upper limit depends on the total space that is used by all the columns for the table.

  • As a rule, you should have less than a few hundred columns in a table. If you have more than a few hundred columns in a table, then you should look at restructuring how you design the tables in your solutions. Try to split the table with an excessive number of columns into more than one table.

Rollup columns:

  • Max of 10 for each table

  • Max of 100 for each organization

  • Can't trigger workflows or flows

Choice columns:

  • Choice columns provide a set of options that are displayed in a drop-down control on a form or in picklist control when you're using Advanced Find. Dataverse can support hundreds of options within a Choice, but you shouldn't consider hundreds as the upper limit. Usability studies show that people have trouble using a system where a drop-down control provides a large number of options.

  • Use a Choice column to define categories for data. Don't use Choice columns to select categories that actually represent separate items of data. For example, rather than maintaining a Choice column that stores each of hundreds of possible manufacturers of a type of equipment, consider creating a table that stores references to each manufacturer and use a Lookup column instead of a Choice column.