Exercise - Add entities to the site map


In this exercise, you'll add the other tables that you created in prior modules.


If you haven't completed the previous modules within this learning path, download the packaging files. These files contain the completed work on the accident tracking app thus far.

  1. Return to your browser tab with the App Designer open to continue where you left off in the previous section (and you can skip down to step 3 below). If you've closed the App Designer browser tab, go to make.powerapps.com, and under Solutions, find and select your Accident Tracking solution.

  2. In the Accident Tracking solution explorer, select Apps under objects and select your Accident Tracking Application.

  3. The Accident Tracking Application should now be open on your screen. We're going to add some other views next.

  4. In the Pages tab under Navigation, select the group Accident Tracking. (The image below step 5 shows the sequence of this step and the next.)

  5. Select +New and in the popup select Dataverse table. Then select Next.

    Screenshot of sequence of steps to add a new view to the Accident Tracking navigation group, with 1 on Accident Tracking, 2 on +New, 3 on Dataverse table, and 4 on Next.

  6. Search for and select your LocationTable. Then select Add. In the Settings panel (remember to select the tab called Settings) for LocationTable on the right side of the screen, go ahead and rename the Title as Location.

  7. Now in the App Designer you'll notice the Location view under the Accident Tracking group. Repeat the process you used to add subareas for the TypeofAccidentTable and the EmployeeTable. Refer to step 5 above to remember the steps.

  8. Rename the Title of each as Type of Accident and Employees, respectively.

  9. Select Publish.

  10. Your app navigation should now show four views below Accident tracking.

    Screenshot of the Accident Tracking Application Navigation panel in Power Apps with the Accident Tracking section in the app canvas also highlighted.

We've now enhanced our app to give users access to all four of our main tables in the app navigation. Each of these views provides users the ability to view/update records (depending on user data permissions) in any of these tables assigned to our app.