Present a Pear Deck


Start presenting a session

Once you’ve created your instructional content and interactive slides, you're ready to present. Connect your computer to your projector. Make sure you have the Pear Deck Add-in open, then select the green button Present with Pear Deck.

Help students join

When you present with Pear Deck, join instructions show up automatically on the projector view. To join the presentation students can:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in with their Office 365 account
  3. Enter the unique five-letter code displayed on the projector

You can also select Give Students a Link under the join code and copy to share with your class.

As students get connected, the number who have joined the presentation increases on the projector view in real time. Also notice that premium users have access to advanced controls here. You can open the teacher dashboard and invite a classroom roster from here.

Begin a class

When you're ready to start the lesson, select the blue Start Class button or close the join instructions. The join code will stay visible in the upper right corner of every slide and you can always select it to reopen the instructions.

Navigate through your slides using the front and back arrows on the navigation bar. You can also open the Slide drawer between the arrows to jump to any slide. 

Students who have joined your presentation will see the slides on their own screen as well as on the projector screen. When you navigate to a new slide, their screens will stay in sync. When you move to an interactive slide, students will be able to respond on their screens. You can show student responses on the projector screen so everyone can see different approaches and ideas. Responses are always anonymous when shown on the Pear Deck projector view.

See students and responses

To see who’s joined your class and what each individual is saying:

  1. Open your Teacher Dashboard
    1. Select the ellipsis button (...)  > Open Teacher Dashboard
  2. Select student count to see the full roster of the connected students
  3. From the teacher dashboard, you can see what each individual student has responded