Use teacher dashboard


Teacher dashboard gives you superpowers

The teacher dashboard is a private view that gives you more insight into each student's progress. While the projector view displays answers anonymously by default and is what you will put up on the class projector screen, the teacher dashboard shows you more confidential information about each student and can be opened on a private screen or separate tablet.

Start presenting

To get started, connect your computer to a projector and launch a presentation by selecting Present with Pear Deck in the sidebar. Now, your students can start joining your session.

Open the teacher dashboard on a tablet

Launch a web browser and visit Be sure to sign in with the same account you used to launch the presentation.

Control your slides from anywhere in the room

Now, from your tablet, you can see exactly who has joined your session and who is responding. When you advance the slides from here, the projector view and the students' screens stay in sync with yours. If you see a student isn’t responding, you can walk over to provide some guidance.