Deploy a model to a managed online endpoint


You can choose to deploy a model to a managed online endpoint without using the MLflow model format. To deploy a model, you'll need to create the scoring script and define the environment necessary during inferencing.

To deploy a model, you need to have created an endpoint. Then you can deploy the model to the endpoint.

Deploy a model to an endpoint

To deploy a model, you must have:

  • Model files stored on local path or registered model.
  • A scoring script.
  • An execution environment.

The model files can be logged and stored when you train a model.

Create the scoring script

The scoring script needs to include two functions:

  • init(): Called when the service is initialized.
  • run(): Called when new data is submitted to the service.

The init function is called when the deployment is created or updated, to load and cache the model from the model registry. The run function is called for every time the endpoint is invoked, to generate predictions from the input data. The following example Python script shows this pattern:

import json
import joblib
import numpy as np
import os

# called when the deployment is created or updated
def init():
    global model
    # get the path to the registered model file and load it
    model_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('AZUREML_MODEL_DIR'), 'model.pkl')
    model = joblib.load(model_path)

# called when a request is received
def run(raw_data):
    # get the input data as a numpy array
    data = np.array(json.loads(raw_data)['data'])
    # get a prediction from the model
    predictions = model.predict(data)
    # return the predictions as any JSON serializable format
    return predictions.tolist()

Create an environment

Your deployment requires an execution environment in which to run the scoring script.

You can create an environment with a Docker image with Conda dependencies, or with a Dockerfile.

To create an environment using a base Docker image, you can define the Conda dependencies in a conda.yml file:

name: basic-env-cpu
  - conda-forge
  - python=3.7
  - scikit-learn
  - pandas
  - numpy
  - matplotlib

Then, to create the environment, run the following code:

from import Environment

env = Environment(
    description="Environment created from a Docker image plus Conda environment.",

Create the deployment

When you have your model files, scoring script, and environment, you can create the deployment.

To deploy a model to an endpoint, you can specify the compute configuration with two parameters:

To deploy the model, use the ManagedOnlineDeployment class and run the following command:

from import ManagedOnlineDeployment, CodeConfiguration

model = Model(path="./model",

blue_deployment = ManagedOnlineDeployment(
        code="./src", scoring_script=""



Explore the reference documentation to create a managed online deployment with the Python SDK v2.

You can deploy multiple models to an endpoint. To route traffic to a specific deployment, use the following code:

# blue deployment takes 100 traffic
endpoint.traffic = {"blue": 100}

To delete the endpoint and all associated deployments, run the command:
