Exercise - Configure and run dual-write table maps


In this exercise, you'll complete the following procedures to configure dual-write and run dual-write table maps.

  1. Return to the finance and operations Dual-write webpage.

  2. In the Search box (upper-right corner), enter Project Resource to narrow the results. Select Project resource roles for all companies (bookableresourcecategories) and then select Run.

  3. On the Initial writes and related table map(s) pane, select the Initial sync check box, ensure that Dataverse is selected, and then select Run.

  4. On the Dual-write page, wait until the status for the table map displays Running. This process might take a few minutes to complete.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the following tables.


    For procedures that are using Run prerequisites and Refresh table, use the instructions that follow the subsequent table map list.

    Table map Refresh table Initial sync Master for initial sync Run prerequisites Prerequisites initial sync
    Project Resource Roles for All Companies (bookableresourcecategories) -- Yes Dataverse -- --
    Legal entities (cdm_companies) -- Yes finance and operations apps -- --
    Ledger (msdyn_ledgers) -- Yes finance and operations apps Yes, instructions follow Yes, finance and operations apps
    Project Operations integration actuals (msdyn_actuals) -- No N/A Yes, instructions follow No
    Project contract lines (salesorderdetails) -- No N/A -- --
    Integration entity for project transaction relationships (msdyn_transactionconnections) -- No N/A -- --
    Project Operations integration contract line milestones (msdyn_contractlinesscheduleofvalues) -- No N/A -- --
    Project Operations integration entity for expense estimates (msdyn_estimateslines) -- No N/A -- --
    Project Operations integration project expense categories export entity (msdyn_expensecategories) -- No N/A -- --
    Project Operations integration project expenses export entity (msdyn_expenses) Yes, instructions follow No N/A -- --
    Project Operations integration entity for hour estimates (msdyn_resourceassignments) Yes, instructions follow No N/A -- --
  6. If the Confirmation: You haven't enabled any related table map (s) at this time. Are you sure you want to continue? dialog box appears, select Yes.

Run prerequisites

To run prerequisites, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and select your table map and then select Run.

  2. On the Initial writes and related table map(s) pane, configure the settings based on the information shown in the following table.

    Table map Refresh table 1 Initial sync 2 Master for initial sync 3 Run prerequisites Prerequisites initial sync
    Ledger (msdyn_ledgers) -- Yes finance and operations apps Yes, instructions follow Yes, finance and operations apps
    Project Operations integration actuals (msdyn_actuals) -- No N/A Yes, instructions follow No

    Screenshot of Initial writes and related table maps with Show related table maps toggled on and ledger not running.

    The related tables will be displayed.

    Screenshot of Initial writes and related table maps with related tables showing.


    You might have a related table map that is configured and running already.

  3. On the Initial writes and related table map(s) pane, configure the related table map settings based on the information shown in the following table and then select Run.

    Table map Refresh table Initial sync Master for initial sync Run prerequisites 4 Prerequisites initial sync
    Ledger (msdyn_ledgers) -- Yes finance and operations apps Yes, instructions follow Yes, finance and operations apps
    Project Operations integration actuals (msdyn_actuals) -- No N/A Yes, instructions follow No

    Screenshot of Initial writes and related table maps with prerequisites initial sync highlighted.


    Make sure to wait until the status displays Running before proceeding to the next table map.

Procedure to refresh tables

To refresh tables, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and select your table map name.

  2. From the Table mappings tab, on the menu bar, select Refresh tables.

  3. After the refresh is complete, select Run.

  4. On the Initial writes and related table maps(s) page, select Run.

  5. On the Confirmation dialog box, select Yes.


    The related table maps have already been enabled and are running.

  6. Select Dual-write to return to the Table maps list.


    Make sure to wait until the status displays Running before proceeding to the next table map.

  7. Close the Finance and Operations tab.