Exercise - Import and update Project Operations configuration data


In this exercise, you'll import and update your Project Operations environment by using the Configuration Migration tool (CMT). You'll then update Project Operations configuration settings and create/configure demo users.

Import configuration and demo data

In this task, you import Project Operations configuration and demo data into the Dataverse environment by using the CMT tool.

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser, copy the following link into the web address box, and then press the Enter key.

    ProjOpsSampleSetupData- Integrated UR1.zip

  2. In the lower part of the screen, select the arrow and then select Show in folder.

  3. Right-click the .zip file and then select Extract All...

  4. In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog box, clear the Show extracted files when complete check box and then select Extract.

  5. In the new File Explorer window, go to the ProjOpsSampleSetupData- Integrated CMT folder and double-click the DataMigrationUtility.exe file.

  6. In the Configuration Migration window, select Import data and then select Continue.

  7. In the Login window, select Office 365, ensure that the Show Advanced check box is selected, complete the security form, and then select Login.

  8. In the Zip File box, select the ellipsis (...), select the SampleSetupAndConfigData.zip file, and then select Open.

  9. In the Configuration Migration window, select Import Data.

    The import process should take approximately three minutes to complete.

  10. When the import is complete, select Exit and then close the Configuration Migration window.


    If you receive a warning (shown in the following section), it might be that a record is already created.

Update Project Operations configuration settings

In this task, you create and configure a new Dynamics 365 user account based on your Microsoft 365 user account. Then, you create a calendar template that is used as the default template and then configure Contoso Robotics Global to be the default organizational unit.

  1. Switch to the Project Operations webpage and then, in the navigation menu, under the Projects section, select Resources. On the menu bar, select New.

  2. On the New Bookable Resource page, complete the following settings and then select the Scheduling tab.

    Setting Perform the following actions
    User Enter Admin Account
    Time Zone You must select (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) because the demo data is based on this time zone
  3. From the Scheduling tab, in the Company box, select USPM. In the Organizational Unit box, select Contoso Robotics US and then select Save.


    If you receive the error "Bookable resource company currency doesn't match the organizational unit currently. Pick different company or organizational unit for bookable resource to continue," it means that you missed steps in enabling Dual-write map for the accountingcurrency field. Review the Ledger (msdyn_ledgers) table map in the Run Prerequisites task in Exercise - Configure and run dual-write table maps in this module.

  4. Select the Work Hours tab and then select the first Working calendar entry. Then select Edit and then select This and all following events.

  5. On the Working hours pane, complete the following settings and then select Save.

    Setting Perform the following actions
    Time Change the start time to 9:00 AM and the end time to 5:00 PM
    Working Days Clear Sunday and Saturday
    Time Zone Select (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  6. From the Work Hours tab, on the calendar menu, select New > Non-working.

  7. In the Non-working hours pane, turn on All Day, select the calendar icon, select January 1, 2021, and then select Save.

  8. Repeat steps 6-7 using the remaining US statutory holidays that are listed in the following table.

    Date Holiday
    January 18, 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    May 31, 2021 Memorial Day
    July 5, 2021 Independence Day (observed)
    September 6, 2021 Labor Day
    November 11, 2021 Veterans Day
    November 25, 2021 Thanksgiving Day
    December 24, 2021 Christmas Day (observed)
  9. When you're finished, select Save & Close.

  10. Select the Change Area, and then select Settings > Calendar Templates > New.

  11. On the New Work template page, complete the following settings and then select Save.

    Setting Perform the following actions
    Name Type 9-5 for PST Template
    Description Type Template for users working 9 AM to 5 PM in Pacific Time Zone
    Template Resource Select your Admin Account
  12. In the navigation menu, select Parameters, select the Default Organizational Unit, and then select Edit.

  13. On the Project Parameter page, complete the following settings and then select Save & Close.

    Setting Perform the following actions
    Default Organizational Unit Select Contoso Robotics US
    Invoice Frequency Select 7th and Last Day
    Work hour template Select 9-5 for PST Template

Add Microsoft 365 users to the Dataverse environment

In this task, you reconfigure your Dataverse environment to use the Microsoft 365 security group that was created in the previous task.

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser, copy the following link in the web address box, and then press Enter: https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments.

  2. On the Environments page, select ProjOps-Environment.

  3. On the ProjOps-Environment page, on the menu bar, select Settings.

  4. On the Settings page, select Users + permissions > Users.

  5. On the Users page, on the menu bar, select + Add user.

  6. On the Add user pane, in the Enter a name or email address box, type Brooke Gray and then select Add.

  7. On the Assign a security role dialog box, select Not now.

  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for the following users:

    • Connie Miller

    • Jacob Hancock

    • Jessica Liu

    • Mario Rogers

    • Molly Clark

    • Peter McLean

    • Sanjay Shah

    • Sara Perez

    • Spencer Low

    • Veronica Quek

  9. When you have added Veronica Quek, select ProjOps-Environment from the navigation bar.

  10. On the ProjOps-Environment page, on the menu bar, select Open environment.

    A new tab opens on the Dynamics 365 Project Operations page.

Add Dynamics 365 security roles to users

In this task, you add security roles to the Dynamics 365 users based on their position.

  1. On the Project Operations page, select Settings (gear icon) and then select Advanced Settings, which opens a new web browser tab.

  2. On the Settings > Business Management page, select the arrow next to Settings. Under System, select Security.

  3. On the Security page, select Users.

  4. On the Enabled Users page, select the check boxes of all newly created users. On the menu bar, select Manage Roles.

  5. On the Manage User Roles dialog box, select the following user roles and then select OK.

    • Project Approver

    • Project Billing Administrator

    • Project Common

    • Project Manager

    • Project Operations Dual-Write Systems

    • Project Operations System

    • Project Owner

    • Project Resource

    • Project System

    • Project Team Member

    • Project User

    • Resource Manager

    • Sales Manager

    • Salesperson

    • System Administrator

    • Time Entry User


These user roles have been selected only to facilitate the exercise. [This section isn't a best practice.]

Assign managers to users

In this task, you assign Admin Account as a manager for Jacob Hancock and Sara Perez.

  1. On the Enabled Users page, select Jacob Hancock and Sara Perez , and then on the menu bar, select Change Manager.

  2. On the Change Manager dialog box, in the New manager box, enter Admin Account, select the search icon, select Admin Account, and then select OK.

  3. In the upper-left corner next to Dynamics 365, select the apps menu and then select Project Operations.