Describe high availability and disaster recovery options for PaaS deployments

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PaaS is different when it comes to availability; you can only configure the options that Azure provides.

For the SQL Server-based options of Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance, the options are active geo-replication (Azure SQL Database only) and autofailover groups (Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Database Managed Instance).

Azure Database for MySQL has a service level agreement, which guarantees availability of 99.99, meaning nearly no downtime should be encountered. For Azure Database for MySQL, if a node-level problem happens such as hardware failure, a built-in failover mechanism will kick in. All transactional changes to the MySQL database are written synchronously to storage upon commit. If a node-level interruption occurs, the database server automatically creates a new node and attaches the data storage.

From an application standpoint, you will need to code the necessary retry logic because all connections are dropped as part of spinning up the new node and any in flight transactions are lost. This process is considered a best practice for any cloud application, as they should be designed to handle transient failures.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL uses a similar model to MySQL in its standard deployment model; however, Azure PostgreSQL also offers a scale-out hyperscale solution called Citus. Citus provides both scale-out and additional high availability for a server group. If enabled, a standby replica is configured for every node of a server group, which would also increase cost since it would double the number of servers in the group. In the event, the original node has a problem such as becoming unresponsive or failing completely, the standby takes its place. The data is kept in sync via PostgreSQL synchronous streaming replication.

As with Azure Database for MySQL, solutions that use Azure Database for PostgreSQL must also include retry logic in the application because of dropped connections and loss of in-flight transactions.

Both Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL supports the option for a read replica. This means a replica can be used for activities like reporting to offload work from the primary database. A read replica also enhances availability because it exists in another region.

Next unit: Explore an IaaS high availability and disaster recovery solution

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