Exercise – Build the bicycle repair shop canvas app


In this exercise, you'll apply what you've learned to complete the process of creating a canvas app based on the design that you built in the Exercise - Design a bicycle repair shop app by using Figma unit.


You want to create a canvas app for your colleagues that's based on a Figma design. The app enables your colleagues to register potential attendees for a VIP sale and to collect attendee preferences by using a dedicated tablet.

You'll capture the attendee information in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet so that the marketing team can contact customers before and after the event.

Preparation steps

Follow the steps in the Create a canvas app on a Figma design unit to use the bicycle repair shop design that you built. At step 11, you can name the app Bicycle VIP Event.

Download the Bicycle VIP registration.xlsx Excel spreadsheet file. This file serves as the app data source. Save it into a Microsoft OneDrive for Business location that you have access to.

Screenshot of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet named Bicycle V I P registration.


Complete the following steps to create the canvas app that stores registrations in the Bicycle VIP registration spreadsheet:

  1. Connect to the data source, and then select Add data in the Data section of the left pane in Power Apps canvas studio.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Add data option in the Data section of the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Excel Online (Business) as the data source.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Excel Online Business data source.

  3. Select Connect.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Connect option for the Excel Online Business data source.

  4. Go to the location of the Bicycle VIP registration spreadsheet that you saved in the Preparation steps section and then select the spreadsheet.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Bicycle V I P registration Excel file.

  5. Select Registrations as the table and then select Connect.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Registrations table and on the Connect button.

  6. Select the Use unique column from Excel table option as an identifier for Registrations, select _PowerAppsId_, and then select Connect.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on Power Apps I D and on the Use unique column from Excel table option.

  7. To connect the msft_Form control to the data source, update the DataSource property to Registrations.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on Registrations as the Data Source property.

  8. To ensure the identification of the controls in the following steps, Rename the data card and input components.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on Rename for a data card control.

    The result should resemble the following image.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the renamed components.

  9. To connect the data cards to columns in the Excel table, provide the column name for the DataField property for each data card control, including the quotation marks.

    • PreferencesDC - "Preference"

    • PhoneDC - "Phone"

    • CustomerEmailDC - "Email"

    • CustomerNameDC - "Name"

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Data Field property for Preferences D C and on the property value Preference.

  10. To insert the values from the app in the Excel table, provide an input control text property for the Update property for each data card control.

    • PreferencesDC - PreferencesInput.SelectedText.Value

    • PhoneDC - PhoneInput.Text

    • CustomerEmailDC - CustomerEmailInput.Text

    • CustomerNameDC - CustomerNameInput.Text

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Update property for Preferences D C and on the property value Preferences Input Selected Text Value.

  11. To save the values into the Excel spreadsheet and reset the canvas app form into data entry mode, set the OnSelect property of the Submit button to SubmitForm(msft_Form); NewForm(msft_Form);.

    Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the On Select property for M S F T Button.

You now have a complete app that allows the registration of customers for the upcoming VIP sale. To test the app, select the Save and Play icons. To share the app with your colleagues, select the Share icon.

Screenshot of Power Apps canvas studio. Focus is on the Share, Play, and Save icons.

The following video demonstrates the steps for this unit.

Next steps

You've now learned how to create a canvas app based on a Figma design. This app is connected to a data source, and you and your colleagues can use it to register customer information and preferences for a VIP sale. Next, you can validate what you've learned from this module.