Are you concerned about student well-being? Are you looking for ways support social and emotional learning in your classroom? Do you know how well-being affects learning and which areas of well-being are the most challenging in your classroom?
This module is for educators who want to lead well-being in their classrooms, and who want to find out how social and emotional learning can be supported with actionable data and targeted content.
“Student well-being and academic achievement have a reciprocal effect, and it seems to be significant.”
—Katariina Salmela-Aro, Professor of Educational Psychology, Helsinki University
Course units
This course consists of three units:
The importance of SEL and student well-being in education
- What is SEL (CASEL reading)
Improve social and emotional skills in the classroom with School Day
Discussion topics
Lesson plans
Integrate SEL in your curriculum and schedule
- Plan your SEL strategy with School Day teacher freemium
Learning objectives
- Explain the meaning of SEL in learning and well-being
- Implement SEL in classroom activities
- Describe how to use School Day
- Explain how to make well-being an integral part of your curriculum