A comprehensive experience for all cloud environments


As a multicloud product, Permissions Management offers a comprehensive experience across multiple cloud environments; Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Each page in Permissions Management presents a dropdown menu, which allows you to easily switch between different cloud providers.

Screenshot of the Permissions Management UI drop-down menu.

Regardless of the cloud environment you work in, the process for performing different tasks in the product (creating alerts, right-sizing roles, etc.) has the same look and feel.

Discover: Getting visibility into what is happening in your environment

Permissions Management provides you with granular visibility into what's happening in your cloud environments and offers actionable insights on both a high- and low-level. Just a few of the things that Permissions Management can help you discover are:

  • Exposed/Vulnerable storage containers
  • Over-permissioned users and groups
  • Inactive users, groups, resources, and applications
  • Global Administrator identities in your environment
  • Open network security groups