Check your knowledge

Completed 200 XP

Introduction to Power BI knowledge check


You just modified some filters to reveal some amazing business insights that could help boost company sales. You want to share these insights with your team. Which of the following strategies would not work?


Which of these is false?


Which Power BI component is an all-purpose tool for navigating to all of your content?


Power BI is an effective way for corporate employees to work with data. Which of the following is not true?


Which of the following is a difference between a dashboard and a report?


Apps are shared with consumers in all of the following way, except...


If you have a bar chart and select one bar, what do you call what happens to the other updated visuals on the report page? (This applies to reports and not dashboards.)


Which statement is true about adding comments to a dashboard?


Which of the following actions will ensure you receive a daily email with a snapshot of a Power BI report?


There are several actions that reveal the underlying data that's used to build your visuals. Which of the following is not one of those actions?

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