Customize your Power Apps with SharePoint


When you're customizing your Power Apps with SharePoint, different column types will be available in SharePoint. These column types represent various types of data that you can store in SharePoint, such as text, numbers, dates, choice options, attachments, and more. Each column type has its own purpose and format so that you can organize and store information effectively.

In Power Apps, you can use different controls that correspond to these column types in SharePoint. Controls are the building blocks of your app's user interface. For example, you can use a text input control in Power Apps to correspond with a text column in SharePoint, a date-picker control for a date column, a dropdown control for a choice column, and so on. These controls help you display and interact with the data that's stored in SharePoint columns.

Power Apps provides seamless integration for editing and saving data from SharePoint. You can create forms in Power Apps so that users can edit and update SharePoint data. Forms provide a user-friendly interface for viewing and modifying individual records. You can design your forms to include various controls, such as text inputs, dropdown menus, date pickers, and buttons, so that users can make changes to the data that's stored in SharePoint.

Galleries are powerful features in Power Apps that work well with SharePoint. You can use galleries to display multiple records from SharePoint in a list-like format. You can customize the layout and appearance of a gallery to show specific columns from SharePoint. For example, you can display a gallery with each item showing the title, description, and image from SharePoint columns. Users can interact with the gallery to view, select, and navigate through the records.

By using these different column types, controls, galleries, and forms, you can create customized Power Apps applications that seamlessly integrate with SharePoint. As a result, you'll effectively work with SharePoint data, provide a user-friendly interface for editing and saving information, and display records in a visually appealing manner.