Call .NET libraries by using X++ code


Finance and operations apps projects in Visual Studio contain X++ code that interacts smoothly with code that is written in other .NET languages.

You can create a reference from a finance and operations apps project to a C# class library, or to any type of C# project that generates an assembly, by following these steps:

  1. Perform a build of the C# project before your finance and operations apps project that references and depends on it.
  2. Finance and operations apps comprehends the references and ensures that the C# assemblies are deployed correctly to the cloud before being run.
  3. Add a C# class library project and a Unified Operations project to your solution by selecting the File menu in Visual Studio and selecting New > Project. When a Finance Operations project is created, a References folder is automatically created within it.
  4. You can add a reference to a C# project or other .NET assemblies within Solution Explorer. Right-click the References folder and select Add Reference.
  5. A reference element is then added to your project and a .dll file is copied to the bin folder of your package.

To learn more, see Consume external web services.