Scale Hyperopt trials


One of the advantages of using Apache Spark in Azure Databricks is the ability to distribute processing tasks across multiple cluster nodes. When you use a Spark-aware machine learning library like MLlib, machine learning training can be scaled out to reduce the overall time the training process takes. When using Hyperopt with a distributed training library like MLlib, the work is automatically scaled across the available worker nodes in the cluster.

Hyperopt supports the scaling out of hyperparameter tuning trials for libraries that aren't distributed by using the SparkTrials class in place of a regular Trials class. This approach enables you to take advantage of scale-out parallelism of Spark to distribute hyperparameter tuning runs across multiple nodes, even when using a library that is designed for processing on a single computer such as Scikit-Learn.

The following example code shows how to use the SparkTrials class.

from hyperopt import SparkTrials

  spark_trials = SparkTrials()
  with mlflow.start_run():
    argmin = fmin(
  print("Best param values: ", argmin)


For more information about using the SparkTrials class, see The SparkTrials class in the Azure Databricks documentation.