Exercise add app roles to an application and receive tokens


Declare app roles using the app roles UI


The app roles portal UI feature is in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement and isn't recommended for production workloads. Certain features might be unsupported or have constrained capabilities.

To create an app role by using the Azure portal's user interface:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center using a Global Administrator account.

  2. Open the portal menu and then select Identity.

  3. On the Identity menu, under Applications, select App registrations.

  4. Select App roles, and then select Create app role.

    Screenshot of the  app roles configuration wizard with create app role highlighted.

  5. In the Create app role pane, in the Display name box, enter Survey Writer.

  6. Under Allow member types, select User/Groups.

  7. In the Value box, enter Survey.Create.

  8. In the Description box, enter Writers can create surveys.

  9. Notice that the description is a mandatory field.

  10. Verify the Do you want to enable this app role is selected and then select Apply.

Assign users and groups to roles

Once you've added app roles in your application, you can assign users and groups to the roles. Assign users and groups to roles through the portal's UI or programmatically using Microsoft Graph. When the users assigned to the various app roles sign in to the application, their tokens will have their assigned roles in the roles claim.

To assign users and groups to roles by using the Azure portal:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center.
  2. In the Identity navigation menu on the left, open Applications select Enterprise applications.
  3. In the All applications list, select Demo app.
  4. This app was created in an earlier exercise.
  5. Under Manage, select Users and groups.
  6. On the menu, select + Add user/group.
  7. On the Add Assignment dialog, select Users and groups.
  8. A list of users and security groups is displayed. You can search for a certain user or group, as well as select multiple users and groups that appear in the list.
  9. After you have selected users and groups, select Select.
  10. When using the Select a role assignment, all the roles that you've defined for the application are displayed.
  11. Choose a role and then select Select.
  12. Select Assign to finish the assignment of users and groups to the app.
  13. Confirm that the users and groups you added appear in the Users and groups list.