Create satisfaction metrics for customers
Asking for feedback is the first step toward understanding your customers' level of satisfaction. Reviewing and acting on the responses is the only way to keep customers satisfied and to help you improve in areas where needed. You can access individual survey responses directly from within Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, and customers can access them by using Dynamics 365. Though reviewing the detail of each response is useful, having a way to quickly get a high-level overview for faster analysis is important.
Satisfaction metrics are measurements that you can use to understand the customer's experience and overall emotion toward an organization. Dynamics 365 Customer Voice includes the ability to add up to ten metrics for each project. You can include these metrics for individual surveys and track trends in the collected response data.
You can add the following types of metrics:
Net Promoter Score® - Measures customer loyalty in groups of Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. This metric must be linked to a Net Promoter Score question.
Sentiment - Identifies the sentiment from a customer as positive, negative, or neutral. This metric must be linked to a text question.
CSAT - Measures the overall satisfaction of a customer. This metric must be linked to a rating question.
Custom score - Measures a customer's overall satisfaction across multiple questions.
In some standard project templates in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, satisfaction metrics are already set up and linked to questions in the survey. For example, the Periodic customer feedback survey includes the CSAT and sentiment satisfaction metrics. You can add new metrics and then map them to a question from the survey. To ensure that satisfaction metrics are tracked for each response, you should make the related questions required. Then, you can create views and charts in Dynamics 365 to review the Customer Voice survey response records. The sentiment and NPS score are two fields that you can add to a view, and you can view them without needing to drill into the record or to go further into the related satisfaction metric records.
A system administrator can create system views and make them accessible to users of Dynamics 365. For example, a view of Customer Voice survey responses could contain the following information:
Respondent - Person who completed the survey
Survey - The survey that was filled out
NPS Score - Overall Net Promoter Score® for the survey response
Sentiment - Overall sentiment for the survey response
Date Created - Date that the survey response was created
A survey response includes a regarding field, which you can link to any type of record that is enabled for activities. For example, you can set a survey that is related to case feedback with the corresponding case as the regarding record. Many options are available for linking survey responses to other records to create more opportunities for reviewing data.
You could set a periodic Account Management customer feedback survey with the related account record as the regarding record. If survey responses should always be linked to a contact, you can add a new column (field) to the survey response table. Add a field called Related Account as a lookup to the account table to provide a mechanism to filter data and display on an account record or dashboard. A system administrator can follow these steps to achieve this task:
Add a lookup column on the Customer Voice survey response table called Related Account. Set the lookup to the account table.
Use Power Automate to create a flow that runs whenever a new Customer Voice survey response row is created (a new response is received).
Within the flow, set the related account record as the account record that is linked to the contact who submitted the response.
Create a system view that uses the new column. This view allows you to filter charts and data by using the related account.
Users can make their own views to get exactly what they need and review the survey responses that are of importance to them. You can use charts to convey the Average Net Promoter Score® by survey or the sentiment for each survey. By using stacked columns, pie charts, or combination charts, you can display the data from Dynamics 365 Customer Voice in a meaningful way in Dynamics 365 to provide users with a quick way to better understand customers.
Watch the following video for a demo on creating and using metrics.