Evaluate learner understanding with the Computing with Minecraft assessments


Evaluating learners’ understanding is crucial. Minecraft Education's computer science curriculum includes both formative and summative assessments.

Formative assessment is a well-proven method for educators to use to diagnose learner progress and adjust teaching to ensure every learner develops proficiency in the content or skills taught. In the Minecraft Education computer science curriculum, learners complete formative assessment questions at the end of every activity. Review the formative assessment questions for The Agency lesson as an example of those questions.

Summative assessments are activities completed at the end of a unit to determine learners’ proficiency in the content or skills taught. Minecraft Education's computer science curriculum incorporates a performance-based assessment at the end of each unit. Learners work collaboratively to complete a performance task. Review the summative assessment for the Computing with Minecraft unit to learn how the performance task is structured and evaluated.

One way for learners to prepare for formative and summative assessments is to keep a code journal, documenting the programs they create in each activity and journaling about their process. Review the video to learn how to use OneNote for coding journals.