700 XP

Introduction to Azure Web Application Firewall

DevOps Engineer
Security Engineer
Solution Architect
Technology Manager
Azure Web Application Firewall

Describe how Azure Web Application Firewall protects Azure web applications from common attacks, including the features, how it's deployed, and common use cases.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Explain how Azure Web Application Firewall works to protect Azure web apps from known threats.
  • Evaluate whether Azure Web Application Firewall is the right solution to protect your Azure web apps from malicious exploits.
  • Identify and describe use cases for Azure Web Application Firewall.


To get the best learning experience from this module, you should have:

  • Beginner-level knowledge of Azure, including Azure virtual networks, Azure App Service, Azure Front Door, and Azure Application Gateway.
  • Beginner-level knowledge of networking, including IP addresses, HTTP/HTTPS request parameters, and HTTP request methods.
  • Beginner-level knowledge of cloud computing, including availability and web applications.

Module assessment

Assess your understanding of this module. Sign in and answer all questions correctly to earn a pass designation on your profile.

Take the module assessment