

In this module, you've learned how Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL allows you to launch a database with relatively little friction that can grow with your company as your needs evolve.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL eases many common pain points by offering an elastic and globally distributed database platform. Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL scales up-and-down to meet your real-world usage. The NoSQL API for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL is the built-in native API with the widest variety of SDK options for developers in your organization. The NoSQL API also natively uses JSON documents, enabling your team to store a wide variety of data formats in your database.

Now that you have completed this module, you can:

  • Evaluate whether Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL is the right database for your application.
  • Describe how the features of the Azure Cosmos DB forNoSQL are appropriate for modern applications.

Learn more

For more information about the subjects discussed in this module, see: