View data in a table


Tables are used to model and manage business data. When you develop an app, you can use standard tables, custom tables, or both. Dataverse provides standard tables by default. These tables are designed in accordance with best practices, to capture the most common concepts and scenarios within an organization. Microsoft Dataverse has a few options for you to view data in tables.

To view data in a table, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Power Apps portal.

  2. On the left pane, select Tables.

    View of Power Apps maker navigation pane showing Dataverse expanded and Tables selected.

  3. Select the table that is associated with the data that you want to view.

  4. In the Tables editing screen, you'll notice five different panes showing Table properties, Schema, Data experiences, Customizations, and then a pane depicting your table's columns and data.

    View of the five panes on the Tables editing screen.

  5. In the columns and data pane, notice that you can select which columns to include or add more columns within the pane. Selecting the Add more rows button (bottom left of the pane) takes you to a new browser screen where you have the entire screen to edit your table.

In the next unit, we'll take a look at creating and editing views of your data.