Add, update, or delete data in a table by using Excel


Microsoft Dataverse can help you add, update, or delete data in a table by using the Microsoft Power Apps Office Add-in feature for Excel. This is simply another tool you can use to edit your Dataverse tables. Let's walk through how to use this technique.

  1. Sign in to the Power Apps portal.

  2. On the left navigation pane, select Tables.

  3. Select the table that you want to edit.

  4. Select the Edit button in the command bar then Edit data in Excel from the dropdown.

    View of command bar showing Edit and Edit data in Excel highlighted.

  5. Power Apps will download the file into your browser's Downloads where you can then open the file either in Excel online or in your Excel app. When you open the file, you'll be prompted to Sign in to enable the Microsoft PowerApps Office Add-in. None of your data is displayed. Select Sign in.

    Screenshot showing Excel with the PowerApps Office Add-in pane and the Sign in button highlighted.

  6. After a few moments, your data will appear in the spreadsheet, and you can now use Excel to add, update, or delete data by using the buttons in the add-in pane. The Publish button (in the add-on panel) saves your changes.

    Screen showing Excel with data and the Add-on pane showing the Publish button highlighted.

If you return back to your Table in Power Apps (you might need to refresh your view), you can view the changes that you published from Excel.


To delete data, delete one or more rows in the spreadsheet and then select Publish. To edit data, simply edit any value in the spreadsheet and then select Publish.