We just looked at how a business plan aligned to a digital estate rationalization can ensure you know why you'll benefit from moving to the cloud. Cloud adoption is a strategic change that requires involvement from both business decision makers and end users. Now, let's talk about how to get your organization ready for this journey:
- Define skills and support readiness: Create and implement a skills-readiness plan to:
- Address current gaps.
- Ensure that IT and business people are ready for the change and the new technologies.
- Define support needs.
- Create your landing zone: Set up a migration target in the cloud to handle prioritized applications.
Watch this video to learn more.
The Azure readiness guide introduces features that help you organize resources, control costs, and secure and manage your organization. Links to sample skills-readiness learning paths on Microsoft Learn and Azure Support are available in the Summary and resources unit at the end of this module.
Create your landing zone
Before you begin to build and deploy solutions with Azure services, make sure your environment is ready. The term landing zone is used to describe an environment that's provisioned and prepared to host workloads in a cloud environment, such as Azure. A fully functioning landing zone is the final deliverable of any iteration of the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure methodology.
Each landing zone is part of a broader solution for organizing resources across a cloud environment. These resources include management groups, resource groups, and subscriptions. Azure offers many services that help you organize resources, control costs, and secure and manage your organization's Azure subscription. Microsoft Cost Management + Billing also provides a few ways to help you predict, analyze, and manage costs.
For an interactive experience, view the environment-readiness content in the Azure portal. Go to the Azure Quickstart Center in the Azure portal, and select introduction to Azure setup. Then follow the step-by-step instructions.
Standards-based Azure Blueprints samples are available and ready to use. Visit the list of available samples that are ready to use or modify for your needs, linked in the Summary and resources unit at the end of this module.
Here are the key points from this unit:
- Cloud adoption is a strategic change that requires involvement from both business decision makers and end users.
- When you define skills and support readiness, create and implement a skills-readiness plan to address current gaps, ensure that people are ready for the change, and define support needs.
- The process of creating your landing zone sets up a migration target in the cloud to handle prioritized applications.
Next, you'll learn about how to implement your cloud adoption plan based on either a migration or innovation path.