More answers and results


Microsoft Search also brings together content from Office 365, Microsoft Graph, SharePoint, Delve, and more to automatically generate other informative answers and results.


To make finding shared files simple, Microsoft Search uses advanced query understanding. Users will only see their files and files that have been shared with them, either directly by the author or indirectly (through a group membership, for example).

Image showing Microsoft Search in Bing file results.


Site results give users easy access to SharePoint sites within your organization. Like other Microsoft Search results, users will only see SharePoint sites they have permission to access.

Image showing Microsoft Search in Bing site results.

People, organizational charts, and groups

Quickly find people in your organization by searching for their name or other details. For example, “Megan in City Center” or “Megan’s team.”

GIF showing Microsoft Search people overview, organizational chart, and groups.


Search for "my calendar" or "my schedule" to see your upcoming meetings. You can also find meetings you share with a coworker and see their free/busy times.

Image showing Calendar tab on profile card.


Find Microsoft Teams chats and Outlook emails, including private chats you were part of and public ones.