Update your app on Teams Store


This section explains the two types of updates to your app, metadata and capability. It covers the comprehensive process steps for both types of updates, and the impact of app update on the user.

You can submit changes to your app (such as, new features or even metadata) in Partner Center. These changes require a new review process.


There are two categories of app updates:

  • Metadata update: Changes to icons, logos, app description, screenshots are categorized as metadata updates. Metadata updates are quickly approved. They don’t trigger a complete functional testing of the app.
  • Capability update: Adding new capability, changes to existing capabilities and functional changes are categorized as functional update. It triggers a complete functional and experiential testing similar to first time app submission.


Checklist for publishing updates to your app:

  • Don't change your app ID.
  • Increment your app's version number.
  • In Partner Center, don't select Add a new app to do the update. Go to your app's page instead.

How does your app update impact end user?

When a user installs your app, they must give the app their permission to access the services and information that the app requires to function. In most cases, users must do this once and the new version of your app is installed automatically.

However, if you make any of the following changes to your app, your existing users must accept another permission request to install the update:

  • Add or remove a bot.
  • Change the bot ID.
  • Modify a bot's one-way notification configuration.
  • Modify a bot's support for uploading and downloading files.
  • Add or remove a message extension.
  • Add a personal tab.
  • Add a channel and group tab.
  • Add a connector.
  • Modify configurations related to your Microsoft Entra app registration. For more information, see webApplicationInfo.