Data model benefits


The key benefits of creating a data model are:

  • Auto Refresh - Keep reports and dashboards up to date so that you can spend more time on analysis.

  • Nimble Response - Build agile solutions that empower near-limitless business questions and answers with simple mouse clicks.

  • Splice Sources -- Unify disparate data sources in a single solution.

  • Capacity & Speed - Crunch large data volumes and long-term trends without starting from the beginning.

Using this ecosystem of Modern Analysis technologies, including Power Query to connect to data sources, clean, and load to create a data model, will save you and your organization time.

Reasons to become a modern Excel analyst are that you can:

  • Automate manual labor by using Power Query.

  • Save more time for analysis by using data models.

  • Replace VLOOKUPs by creating a data model and relationships.

  • Eliminate human formula errors by using measures**.**

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