

Once you deployed Microsoft Teams to your organization, you would like to ensure your users' experience. There are various reports and dashboards to help you monitor your environment.

You can quickly get an idea of how people are using Microsoft 365 services. For example, you examine how many users communicate through chat or channel messages. You also view the kinds of devices they use to connect to Teams.

In this module, you'll learn about different reports and dashboards to monitor your Teams environment. You use Microsoft 365 and Teams usage reports to understand users' activities in Teams. The Microsoft Adoption Score is also another insight to know how users use Teams with other collaboration tools.

After this module, you will be able to:

  • Analyze usage patterns by monitoring Microsoft 365 and Teams usage reports
  • Interpret Microsoft Adoption Score
  • Manage user access by using Microsoft Entra access reviews
  • Assess network readiness by using Microsoft 365 network connectivity dashboard
  • Manage Teams notifications and alerts to monitor Teams capabilities and receive alerts
  • Manage feedback policies