Azure name resolution issues

Completed 100 XP


You need your own Azure subscription to complete the exercises in this module. If you don't have an Azure subscription, you can still view the demonstration video in the exercise unit.

  1. Select Sign in to activate sandbox and sign in using your own credentials.

  2. Select Review permissions, read and accept to continue.

  3. Azure Cloud Shell will authenticate and build and you are ready to start the exercise.

You’ll troubleshoot a name resolution problem in a later exercise. Use the following instructions and the Azure Cloud Shell on the right of the screen to create the environment for this exercise.


The resource group sandbox-rg has been created automatically. Use this as your resource group name. You won't have permission to create additional resource groups in the sandbox.

In the sandbox to the right, follow these steps:

Create the exercise environment

Using the Cloud Shell on the right, run these commands to create the example topology. The environment will take approximately 13 minutes to build.

  1. Clone the setup script from GitHub.

    git clone networking
  2. Run the setup script.

  3. The script will create all the resources. Wait until it completes, you should see a Lab Environment Created message.

  4. You can continue to the next unit as this command runs in the background.

Next unit: Troubleshoot public DNS in Microsoft Azure

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