Allow chat transcripts and file downloads


Chats can be transcribed and downloaded as a file for record keeping. This unit focuses on these capabilities.

Enable a chat channel for transcripts

Some customers might want to have a record of what occurred during a support session. They might retain the session for their records or refer to it in the future. For example, a representative might include a link to a helpful site or might have provided information that the customer found helpful. By having a transcript of the conversation handy, the customer could effortlessly locate the necessary information.

Omnichannel for Customer Service allows customers to download or receive an email copy of their chat transcripts. After download and email options are enabled, customers can request a copy of their chat transcript at any time during a chat session. If they don't request a copy during the conversation, they're reminded at the end of the conversation to request a transcript.

On the User features section of the Chat widget, there's the Conversation transcripts section. There are two options available:

  • Allow download of transcripts - Allows your customers to download the chat transcript.

  • Allow email of transcripts - Allows your customers to send the chat transcript as an email.

    If Allow email of transcripts is set to Yes, you must also provide the following information:

    • Email Template - Defines which email template to use when you're sending the transcript.

      • Use an email template that is provided by Omnichannel for Customer Service.

      • Modify the template that is provided by Omnichannel for Customer Service.

      • Create your own email template.

    • From mailbox - Defines the mailbox record to use to send the transcript.

      A mailbox for the user from whom the email is received must be configured before it can be used.

Screenshot of the Chat Transcripts with the From mailbox highlighted.

Request transcripts during a conversation

After transcripts have been configured, customers see icons at the bottom of the chat widget. These icons are used to initiate an email or download a copy of their chat transcript. The transcript is sent to the customer when the chat ends.

Screenshot of the Chat with us widget icons.

  • Download the chat transcript - Select the download icon at the bottom of the chat screen.

  • Send the chat transcript by email - Select the email icon at the bottom of the chat screen.

At the end of the chat conversation, the following window appears, reminding the customer that they can either download a copy of their chat transcript or send a copy by email to themselves.

Screenshot of message for copy chat feature.

Configure file attachment capability

Occasionally, during a conversation, representatives and customers might need to send supporting files to each other to help find a resolution. For example, if a customer receives an error while trying to complete a process, they can send the screenshots of the steps and error message to the representative. The representative might send the customer a white paper or a step-by-step troubleshooting guide.

To support these scenarios, organizations can enable file attachments in a conversation. After the attachments have been enabled, customers and representatives can send files to share more information about their issues. All transferred files are associated with the conversation. If the representative who is working on the issue transfers the chat to another representative, that new representative can also access the attached files in the conversation.

 Two options are available for file attachment:

  • Enable file attachments for customers - Allows customers to send files to representatives.

  • Enable file attachments for agents - Allows representatives to send files to customers.

Screenshot of the Enable file attachments feature.

Attach files during a conversation

After file attachments have been enabled, an attachment icon will be displayed in the chat widget. When customers or representatives select the icon, they're able to select the file that they want to attach.

Screenshot of the Attach file icon in the chat widget.


The files that are being attached in the conversation follow the same restrictions that are used to attach files in Notes records. If a customer tries to attach a file type that is unsupported, exceeds the maximum file size, or contains malicious content, the file is not uploaded. The customer receives a message in the chat window that explains the problem.

Screenshot of the file size exceeds limit alert on the Let's Chat widget.

The file size limit for attachments and unsupported file types is defined in the web client.

More information on how to configure file size limits and unsupported file types is available.