Exercise - Organize data in a spreadsheet


This exercise shows how you can use certain actions to organize data in an Excel spreadsheet.


In this exercise, you will:

  • Attach to an open Excel file and add a header to each column.
  • Switch the positions of two columns.
  • Copy and paste cells.
  • Delete a blank column.
  • Run the flow to verify successful completion.

Attach to an Excel file and add headers

To begin, download Customers.xlsx. Select Download on the right. Extract the Excel file to your local computer. Then, follow these steps to attach to this running Excel file:

  1. Create a new flow and then add the Launch Excel action.

  2. Specify the name of the file in the action properties (Customers.xlsx).

    Screenshot of Attach to running Excel properties dialog.

The Excel document contains a list of customers. Each customer has a first name, a last name, an address, a state, and a city.

  1. Insert a row with headers by using the Insert row to Excel worksheet action, specifying the Row index. To add a row at the top of the worksheet, set the Row index property to 1.

    Screenshot of Insert row to Excel worksheet properties dialog.

  2. Add five Write to Excel worksheet actions, one for each column (or header). In the first of these actions, set Value to write to First Name, and then set the Column property to A.

    Screenshot of Write to Excel worksheet properties dialog.

    The rest of the Write to Excel worksheet actions should be configured as follows:

    • Last Name — Column B
    • Age — Column C
    • State — Column D
    • City — Column E

Switch positions of two columns

Next, to switch the positions of the last two columns so that State appears after City, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Get first free row on column from Excel worksheet action, which will retrieve the index of the first available row in the column of your choice.

  2. Because you will be moving the State column, select column D.

    Screenshot of Get first free row on column from Excel worksheet properties dialog.

Copy and paste cells

To copy the cells, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Copy cells from Excel worksheet action.

  2. In the Copy mode options, select Values from a range of cells.

  3. Set the Start column to D and Start row to 1.

  4. Set the End column to D and then set End row to %FirstFreeRowOnColumn-1% so that the entire column is dynamically selected without having to calculate its length.

    Screenshot of Copy cells from Excel worksheet properties dialog.

To paste cells, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Paste cells to Excel worksheet action.

  2. Set the Column property to F and the Row property to 1. This setting will paste the cells in the clipboard into the specified cell.

    Screenshot of Paste cells to Excel worksheet properties dialog.

Delete a blank column

To delete the blank column, select the Delete column from Excel worksheet action and then set the Delete column property to D.

Screenshot of Delete column from Excel worksheet properties dialog.

Save and quit the file by adding the Close Excel action and then selecting to save the document before closing.

Screenshot of Close Excel properties dialog.

The completed flow should look like the following screenshot.

Screenshot of the completed Excel exercise workspace.

Run the flow

Run the flow to see that a new row has been inserted, the headers have been written, and the last two columns have switched positions.