Introducing OCR technologies


Scanning documents is a common practice in most organizations and businesses. Though scanned documents can be sufficient for some tasks, manual data extraction is needed in most cases.

For example, finance departments usually review a significant amount of receipts and invoices provided by employees and partners in a physical or image form.

The automation of these tasks can increase efficiency across the organization and disengage employees from repetitive and unproductive data extraction procedures.

Power Automate for desktop enables users to read, extract, and manage data within an assortment of files through optical character recognition (OCR) technologies. The platform supports the Windows and Google Tesseract OCR engines while providing various related actions.

Using OCR actions, you can deal with the most challenging workflows that would typically require human intervention.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Learn how to configure OCR actions.
  • Create a flow that extracts text from images using OCR technologies.


  • Basic familiarity with the Power Automate for desktop console and flow designer.
  • Basic familiarity with flow development and variables.