Exercise - Pick and ship multiple sales orders

Completed 100 XP

Warehouse Management exercises use a sandbox demo company that you need to set up to complete these exercises. The steps to set up the needed sandbox environment and demo company are documented in the Set up a demo company with complete sample data unit of the Get started with warehouse management in Dynamics 365 Business Central module.


On April 20, 2020, you receive the following orders:

  • Customer 60000 - Blanemark Hifi Shop:

    • Item LS-120: Four pieces

    • Item LS-MAN-10: Four pieces

  • Customer 61000 - Fairway Sound:

    • Item LS-150: Two pieces

    • Item LS-MAN-10: Two pieces

Because all items are available, you decide to use the company's own logistics to ship the items to the customers. Correspondingly, you change the shipping agent on the sales orders to OWN LOG.

When both orders are released, you create one warehouse shipment for both orders by using the shipping agent code as a filter.

From the warehouse shipment, you create a warehouse pick. After the pick has been registered, you're ready to ship the items to the customers.


  • Create the sales orders as described in the scenario.

  • Create a warehouse shipment for both orders by using the shipping agent as a filter.

  • Create and register the warehouse pick.

  • Ship the items from the warehouse shipment.


  1. Create the sales orders as described in the scenario.

    1. Select the Search for page icon in the upper-right corner of the page, enter sales orders, and then select the related link. 

    2. Select New.

    3. In the Customer Name field, enter 60000.

    4. In the Posting Date field, enter 04/20/2020.

    5. In the Order Date field, enter 04/20/2020.

    6. Expand the Shipping and Billing FastTab, and in the Agent field, select OWN LOG

    7. Enter the following sales order lines:

      • Item LS-120: 4 pieces

      • Item LS-MAN-10: 4 pieces

    8. Select Release > Release.

    9. Return to the sales order list by closing the sales order.

    10. Select New.

    11. In the Customer Name field, enter 61000.

    12. In the Posting Date field, enter 04/20/2020.

    13. In the Order Date field, enter 04/20/2020.

    14. Expand the Shipping and Billing FastTab, and in the Agent field, select OWN LOG

    15. Enter the following sales order lines:

      • Item LS-150: 2 pieces

      • Item LS-MAN-10: 2 pieces

    16. Select Release > Release.

    17. Return to your role center.

  2. Create a warehouse shipment for both orders by using the shipping agent as a filter.

    1. Select the Search for page icon in the upper-right corner of the page, enter warehouse shipments, and then select the related link. 

    2. Select New.

    3. In the Location Code field, select WHITE.

    4. Select Process > Use Filters to Get Src. Docs.

    5. In the Code field, enter OWN, and in the Description field, enter Own logistics.

    6. Select Modify.

    7. On the General FastTab, in the Shipping Agent Code field, enter OWN LOG.

    8. Select Run.

  3. Create and register the warehouse pick.

    1. From the warehouse shipment, select Process > Create Pick.

    2. Select OK > OK.

    3. Select the Search for page icon in the upper-right corner of the page, enter warehouse picks, and then select the related link.

    4. Select the No. field to open the Warehouse Pick document.

    5. Select Actions > Functions > Autofill Qty. to Handle.

    6. Select Process > Register Pick.

    7. Select Yes.

  4. Ship the items from the warehouse shipment.

    1. Return to the warehouse shipment for both sales orders.

    2. Select Posting > Post Shipment.

    3. Select Ship and then select OK.

Next unit: Exercise - Pick and ship items with serial numbers

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